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  Proverbs 25:28 King James Version 28 He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down,  and without walls . Trump and Homan. Will surely be an effective combination. Ensuring the safety of America. Securing her borders. Deporting criminals, and illegal aliens. Protecting the rights of women, and children. Nipping all that human trafficking, contraband, and abuse. As an overseas observer, I was truly horrified how the  Biden-Harris administration seemed to have "dismantled" America. Every policy they had didn't make sense. And I feared for the American people. How they have been laid bare to vultures, and criminals. How they have been exposed to great danger from illegal aliens and spies, allowed  to enter, and settle everywhere, all according to the Biden-Harris whim. And all these, before the  2024 elections . I was waiting for some uproar, or protest. But there was none from her citizens. Perhaps, they were too tired, broke, defeat...


 Psalm 119:33-34 King James Version 33 Teach me, O Lord,  the way of thy statutes;  and I shall keep it unto the end. 34 Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law;  yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart . This is probably the most difficult, and strangest article SPIRIT had me write yet. First, He wakes me up shortly after midnight. Prior to that, I had been dreaming. It seems GOD gave me a whole article, very orderly, complete with lots of "links". And I was "scrolling" through it. I was trying to memorize every aspect of it. The article was practically "written" in my mind. So, I got up, with the impression I was to write about Robert F Kennedy Jr ., better known as RFK Jr. He and Tulsi Gabbard were the only ones I had not written about yet in "The TRUMP series". I didn't really have a hard time writing about the other appointees. If it took me this long to look into RFK Jr., GOD always has a reason. Things were not clear. I c...

Assignment: AMERICA

  1 Corinthians 4:4 King James Version 4 For I know nothing by myself;  yet am I not hereby justified:  but he that judgeth me is the Lord . Now, I can sit down and review the sequence of events. Did you know America was in "danger" for quite a while now? How did I know that? When GOD made me born again on 6 September 2019, my disturbing dreams started to make sense. Now, I could decode it, the Scriptural way. We even wrote 22 books on it. Turned out, they were all on spiritual warfare. GOD also led me to  Bible prophecy on America  the same day. Her sins were great -- she truly was in great danger. She was also "ripe" for GOD's "judgment". The next thing GOD gave me were the "TORNADO" dreams. The FIRST "tornado" dream occurred in mid-October 2019: I "saw" many tornadoes swirling all over the place. In my waking moments, I didn't know that was possible. In that dream, it showed it was. A few days after, between 20-2...


 1 Samuel 20:9 King James Version 9 And Jonathan said,  Far be it from thee:  for if I knew certainly  that evil were determined  by my father  to come upon thee,  then would not I tell it thee ? Since that grating Kamala cackle , I haven't stopped looking into U.S. politics . Rather, SPIRIT delivered me at its doorstep. Despite my ignorance, and previous disinterest. Before you know it, we've got a series of non-stop posts. One, " COVERING the ELECTIONS ". The other, " The TRUMP series ". And I feel we're not about done yet. The Trump "series" talks about Trump, and his appointees. The latest being intriguing Kash Patel , for FBI Director . From what I gathered, Patel was the only one rooting for Trump in those dark, witch hunt days targeting the former president. He remained in defense of the beleaguered Trump, despite all opposition he faced at his task. That seems to show loyalty, conviction, and strength of character. Of course, that'...

Under NO illusion

 Titus 3:5 King James Version 5 Not by works of righteousness  which we have done,  but according to his mercy he saved us,  by the washing of regeneration,  and renewing of the Holy Ghost ; America, dear America! You had no idea how close you were to destruction! I don't know why GOD wants me to look into your country, when my own country is in shambles. I don't know why GOD alerted me to your sins since 2019. But perhaps, I know. You are supposed to be leader of the free world. But for sometime now, through your unstable leaders, you failed to lead. Save for the GRACE of GOD , you would have been annihilated -- f rom the woke left. Your demolition was from "within". You also opened your borders, and allowed criminals from other countries to infiltrate you. How could you have exposed your citizens to such danger? And then you upheld a candidate who wanted to push abortion, and more of your left agenda. Did you really think GOD was going to let you do more ...


 2 Samuel 7:24 King James Version 24 For thou hast confirmed to thyself  thy people Israel to be a people unto thee for ever:  and thou, Lord, art become their God . He wasn't expecting it. But president-elect Trump gave him a call. And like he said, Trump goes straight to the point. Mike Huckabee was asked to be U.S. ambassador to Israel. He admitted  it was like an "Isaiah" moment for him: Isaiah 6:8 King James Version 8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying,  Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?  Then said I, Here am I; send me . He's a strong supporter of Israel, and has been going there since 1973. In the Stakelbeck interview above, Huckabee states ambassadorship "is a natural fit for me because of my love for the people and for the country." He also said he is "the FIRST evangelical Christian to be the ambassador to Israel". Soon as his appointment was made public, Netanyahu , Dermer , many members of the Knesset , and many othe...


  1 Timothy 2:12 King James Version 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach,  nor to usurp authority over the man,  but to be in silence . If you're born again watchman , you'd know things are accelerating rapidly. How GOD's hand is in everything. How He wants everything to be in the LIGHT . How He wants people to own up to their sins . Trump accepted Matt Gaetz stepping back from his nomination as U.S. attorney general. Gaetz didn't want to be a "hindrance" to the Trump administration. Being U.S. attorney general is a very important position: "The United States attorney general (AG) is the head of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and is the chief law enforcement officer of the federal government of the United States." -- Wikipedia Thus, when Gaetz voluntarily stepped down, Trump immediately put in Pam Bondi . From this short report , it seems both Republican and Democrat guests like her. Of course, we did our own mini-research. We liked ...