Assignment: AMERICA
1 Corinthians 4:4 King James Version 4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord . Now, I can sit down and review the sequence of events. Did you know America was in "danger" for quite a while now? How did I know that? When GOD made me born again on 6 September 2019, my disturbing dreams started to make sense. Now, I could decode it, the Scriptural way. We even wrote 22 books on it. Turned out, they were all on spiritual warfare. GOD also led me to Bible prophecy on America the same day. Her sins were great -- she truly was in great danger. She was also "ripe" for GOD's "judgment". The next thing GOD gave me were the "TORNADO" dreams. The FIRST "tornado" dream occurred in mid-October 2019: I "saw" many tornadoes swirling all over the place. In my waking moments, I didn't know that was possible. In that dream, it showed it was. A few days after, between 20-2...