37 years ago


Luke 2:19

King James Version

19 But Mary kept all these things, 

and pondered them in her heart.

I don't know about you, but it also feels like I ended a very long journey since November 1987, when I started as Assistant Managing Editor for The American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc.

That's the first cover we put out.

Exactly 37 years ago.

In "Keys to Scripture Numerics", the number "37" stands for:


Seems my future work, and American "connection", had already been cut out that time.

Without my being aware of it, of course.

Mr. Westly, our president on the cover, was quite pleased being on it.

He liked the cover we created, smiling as he said so.

The EVP who hired me was grooming me to become Managing Editor.

Which I eventually became.

Suffice it to say, it's just one of those many jobs I was thrown into.

Mostly covering the expat community.

Where I needed to hit the ground running.

I'm not one to complain, I just learn as fast as I can.

Grateful for the experience, and opportunity, given.

After all, I did love to write.

I wanted to be a journalist.

Never mind I took up Architecture.

GOD made me journalist.

I was tasked with putting out a monthly 52-page "Business Journal", covering all chamber events.

Our member base were heads of American multinational firms, and Filipino heads of companies.

We would hold joint meetings with other chambers of commerce such as the Philippine Chamber of Commerce, European Chamber of Commerce, Australia-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce, and other local government, and  business groups.

Every now and then, we'd have visitors from Washington.

Such as Vice-President Quayle, and Michael Novak.

With Quayle, that was the first time I witnessed burly Secret Service agents around a VIP.

Similarly, I got to witness my own President Ramos' agents, with their black SUVs, as they herded him for our luncheon meeting.

That also means, as staff of the American chamber, I also "served" under Presidents Ronald Reagan, and George H.W. Bush.

Interesting I served two Republicans consecutively; never a Democrat.

And today, I write about Trump, also a Republican.

I'm telling you, it's only today I realize all this.

At that time, I was just shy, and busy doing my job.

I merely covered events I was tasked to cover.

And feature on the "Business Journal".

I suppose, if I had wanted the Washington route, I could have.

After all, the "mother" chamber was the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

My business journal reached every chamber, in every place of the world, every month.

Similarly, I could have chosen to pursue a career with the Philippine government.

Perhaps the media, or the foreign service, or any multinational firm.

I could also have taken the female broadcaster route, as I was in business communications.

Trained, alongside two famous broadcasters now.

They seemed "of the culture"; I wasn't.

GOD also exposed me to many other female broadcasters, and personalities, who have become famous.

One even became senator.

You see, I got to see how many people started.

It's like I'm a "witness" to most things.

And yet, their route didn't interest me.

That was also the time when a lot was happening in my country, and in the U.S.

I was in it, and yet "not" in it.

I was happy being simple, and non-existent.

Something that probably pleased the LORD.

He reserved me for His army.

For "stuff" He wanted me to do.

Guarding you, and the gospel, for one.

Being so young, and with my family being in the Philippines, I was quite content remaining where I was.

With no political ambitions, much less immigration ambitions.

Not realizing so many Filipinos were aspiring to go to the U.S.

And there I was, already in the midst of it.

When I look back into my life, I realized all the other odd jobs were part of GOD's plan.

My polka-dotted career had a purpose.

He wanted my education honed -- for His service; not man's.

Everything always serves GOD's purpose.

He "positioned" me, EXACTLY where I needed to be.

Every single time, and moment.

Today, I realize the "American connection" got deeper in 2019.

Where "everything" really began for me.

And that's for the next post.

Photo by author

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