Ecclesiastes 3:4-5

King James Version

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; 

a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, 

and a time to gather stones together; 

a time to embrace, 

and a time to refrain from embracing;

Many newscasters have noticed.

Current American president, Joe Biden, had a wide smile on his face.

This, as he congratulated president-elect Trump on his win, welcoming him at the White House.

Other newscasters reported Trump didn't do the same in 2020.

But that's all in the past, Biden looked happy at this meeting.

Trump wife, Melania, didn't meet with Biden wife, Jill, for reasons of her own.

Jill wore a RED pantsuit during election day.

Was that a sign Jill voted "Trump"?

And what of Joe, did he do the same?

Was that what the smile was all about?

That he got his "revenge"?

There was obvious tension between Joe and Kamala, and Jill and Kamala, at the recent Arlington event.

We had not written much about Biden, despite our concerns regarding his many policies.

At that point in time, SPIRIT didn't lead us to such.


But we do recall excerpts from our 22 July 2024 post, "On U.S. politics":

People mock Joe Biden and his health issues.

But my heart goes out to him.

All because of TWO things:

First, he suffered greatly when he lost his wife and one-year-old daughter in 1972, in an automobile accident, which also injured his two little sons.

This, as they were to shop for Christmas.

Can you imagine the tragedy?

But that's not all.

His three-year-old son had a "broken leg and other wounds".

His two-year-old son had a "minor skull fracture and other head injuries".

Most touching of all was Biden's decision to resign, so he could "care for them".

But he was dissuaded from doing so by another colleague.

This accident happened as  he was just a few weeks elected as senator.

"Biden contemplated suicide and was filled with anger and religious doubt.[54][55] He wrote that he "felt God had played a horrible trick" on him,[56] and had trouble focusing on work."

-- Wikipedia

From a brief victory, to a lengthy tragedy.

Even with heart, we cannot imagine such pain.

Only by the GRACE of GOD can anyone survive such.

Second, Biden also has had brain surgery.

"In February 1988, after several episodes of increasingly severe neck pain, Biden underwent surgery to correct a leaking intracranial berry aneurysm.[111][112] While recuperating, he suffered a pulmonary embolism, a serious complication.[112] After a second aneurysm was surgically repaired in May,[112][113] Biden's recuperation kept him away from the Senate for seven months."

-- Wikipedia

Who's laughing now?

We haven't been in Biden's shoes.

Why should people laugh at him?

The world can be cruel, indeed.

Not to mention the resulting betrayals.

After he "failed" to perform at the debate with Trump.

He was urged to step down from his candidacy.

Not to mean he's innocent, and unknowing.

Why did he allow himself to be president, knowing his health issues?

Why did people use him, knowing he had health issues, which only progressed with age?

Was it to place Harris as VP and "understudy", for a future "takeover"?

Or did Biden endorse Harris to anger his co-democrats?

Do other party members have another candidate in mind?

When it's world power we're talking about, you can imagine the betrayals, and chaos.


On 7 September 2024, we also wrote this on "RepreHENsible":

With Biden, it's quite a different story.

Recent reports show his deteriorating faculties.

Something that grieve me, too.

A born again doesn't applaud affliction.

We grieve greatly.

But we grieve even more at their policies.


More and more, people said it was a "coup".

After the weak Biden-Trump debate, Biden may have been asked to step down a month after.

That gave eager Kamala just three months to campaign.

Pelosi says now that he should have stepped down earlier.

When the Dem camp says this, we wonder who's really in charge.

Why all the errors, the mixed signals?

Is there also infighting?

No wonder, their "house" got brought down.

"Too many cooks in the kitchen" thing, you know...

Despite what his own camp, and other detractors, said of his "mental" state, was Biden aware of what was going on?

That they "dumped" him, in favor of Kamala?

No wonder, Jill Biden's resentment of Kamala.

How did Jill feel about her husband's Dem party?

Or was Kamala really Biden's first choice?

A woman who had won no primary, and conducted herself the way she did.

The Democrats were really in for a "fall".

Did Biden "trip" Kamala's candidacy, at the last minute?

Why else the "garbage", and the "smack in the a--" last-minute comments?

Which turned the tide in favor of the Republicans.

Was that Biden's deeper intent?

Trump is a businessman, and promoter.

He knows how to turn things in his favor.

Plus, he's been maligned so long, what's another two?

True enough, Biden's comments served Trump well.

Methinks Joe isn't what they say he is.

Maybe, he's still got his mental faculties straight.

Just giving his enemies a "lesson".

No wonder, he's having the last laugh?

Worth pondering, folks.

NEVER underestimate anyone.

Most of all, GOD's will, ways, and wisdom.

And how He works THROUGH people.

But the newscasters were right, Biden had that HUGE smile.

They couldn't help but quip, he was "unburdened by what has been".

Sorry, Kamala and Dem camp.

There's no shortcut to the White House.

The people have voted.

They're tired of Dem drama.

Now, Trump will sit in office on 20 January 2025.

Is that why Joe is smiling?

Now, he can rest, too.

Maybe play golf.

Or whatever pursuits he enjoys.

Well, he's 81, he sure could use it.

I don't know about you, but I can't seem to laugh every time media showed he tripped going up the steps to his plane.

As born again, I'd probably be the first one to help him up.

Neither can I laugh, seeing him "disoriented" at speeches.

I have no idea what dementia would be like.

I pray I don't ever get that.

Nor anyone for that matter.

It's not kind laughing at other people's health issues.

Politics, entertainment, or not.

Maybe, in a way, we can smile for Joe Biden.

That his memory will "fail" him regarding painful family tragedies.

Or whatever betrayals he and his family have experienced.

That he may forget other people's cruelty, but not his own.

May he remember his pride, and errors.

And look to GOD for forgiveness.

Something we all need to do.

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